It's hinted in the movie, with references to the first Skulls film, that killing is nothing new and surprising with the Skulls. There's a lot of huffing and puffing and nothing else as Ryan is put through the ringer in an effort to first quite and then later terminate him to keep this incident from reaching the newspapers and exposing the mysterious Skulls in the most unflattering way. It's then when all hell breaks loose with top and senior members of the Skulls moving heaven and earth to keep Dianna's death from going public and implicating their secret society which no one is supposed to know even exists. Hearing some noise Ryan notices, outside the attic window Skull member Matt "Hutch" Hutchinson, Aaron Ashmore, fooling around with the captain of the collages Womans Lacrosse Team Dianna Rollins, Margot Gagnon, and after getting good and drunk she loses her balance and fall off the roof. This bone-head prank lands him and his "Skull Soulmate" Jeff Colby, Christopher Ralph, on the Skull Sh*t-list and has Ryan and Jeff doing toothbrush duty at the "Tombs", the Skulls headquarters, attic. Instead of taking his role seriously as an up and coming Skull Ryan pulls off a joke on the "Skulls" during one of their secret ceremonies that.

**SPOILERS** Being tapped by "The Skulls" to be inducted into their secret bone-head society is something that every young collage student in this unnamed Ivy League school has been dreaming of and young Ryan Sommers, Robin Dunne, is one of the lucky few who's been chosen.