You can also sacrifice the excess items in your inventory to earn enough Residuum to infuse a key item in the infusion menu between runs. They will emit that slick chromatic gas and make noise when you get close, so they’re hard to miss. As you walk through the maps you should also be on the lookout for small Residuum deposits emanating from random items. The main way you can earn Residuum is by killing Visionaries, as they leave behind huge deposits of Residuum that Colt can harvest. With that in mind, you’re going to need a lot of Residuum to infuse your favourite Deathloop items. Item rarity will affect the amount of Residuum you need to infuse a piece of kit.

The items you can infuse include weapons, trinkets, slabs and slab upgrades. Now that you’ve unlocked Infusion, every time you return to the tunnels after completing tasks in a district you’ll be prompted to infuse the items in your inventory. (Image credit: Arkane Studios) How Residuum Infusion works in Deathloop